I hate the world a lot

by Ike Hettit, an honest liberal


I don't understand why we can't all just get along and hold hands and sing songs. If we treat everyone with respect and share everything, everything should be fine. What's the problem here?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How Low Can He Go?: 21,500 More Reasons To Hate Bush

As I’ve written before, the only stance more immoral than Bush’s “stay the course” strategy of not letting Iraq’s fledgling democracy crumble was McCain’s desire for more troops in Iraq. McCain is the very definition of a fascist, which is why he fought in Vietnam, why he never said a word to sell out America while under torture, and why he’s such a media darling in the U.S.: The media is as anti-Left as Hollywood.

So under pressure to make some kind of change in Iraq, Bush decides to send in more troops. He has ignored the people, most Democrats, and even some Republicans. He has descended one huge rung on the ladder of morality. More troops in Iraq means more dead freedom fighters and a greater likelihood that Iraqis will remain enslaved by the ideals of Western democracy. If these extra troops manage to secure Baghdad and Anbar, it might seem as though America is winning this war. Worse, it might actually be that America is winning this war.

Let’s just hope that 20,000 troops isn’t enough to snuff out the freedom fighters who are sacrificing themselves every day to ensure they do not become repressed by human rights and democracy.

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