I hate the world a lot

by Ike Hettit, an honest liberal


I don't understand why we can't all just get along and hold hands and sing songs. If we treat everyone with respect and share everything, everything should be fine. What's the problem here?

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Truth About Terrorism

They’re lying to us about terrorism. We’re perfectly safe. Think about it. Don’t you ever wonder why there aren’t terrorist attacks, of varying significance, every day in America?

It’s clearly not difficult to get a gun here. Even in countries that pretend to be gun-free, like Canada, anyone who really wants a gun can get one. So why hasn’t there been a jihadist with an AK-47 blowing people away from the top of a mosque? Or even from the top of a synagogue, for a dastardly irony to help underline his point?

Fine, I know, gunning people down might not be a couth method of killing people. I can respect that — it’s not very creative and you wouldn’t die with everyone. You’d have to decide when the best time would be to stop shooting at civilians and turn the gun on yourself. Your last decision before death would have to be when to stop murdering people. Who wants to go out on that kind of a downer? And who wants the pressure of deciding how many murders is enough?

But there are other things jihadists could do. For instance, how hard would it be to jump onto a bus, murder the driver, and take control of the vehicle? From there it would be pretty easy to swerve into oncoming traffic or barrel into an elementary school. Plenty would die and so would the hijacker. Sounds like a winner, but I suppose a potential problem is that all the violence might seem accidental or maybe even senseless.

So it seems we’re left with the traditional (and somewhat trite) method of suicide bombing. I’m no chemist, but it can’t be that hard to build small bombs. Kids mix dangerous chemicals in high school chemistry classes every day. It’s perfectly conceivable that a jihadist could acquire household chemicals, make a small bomb, and detonate it in a mall or a bank or someplace similar. Such a small bomb, however, might not obliterate enough people. Given that it can be hard to predict where very large groups of people will be from day to day when they’re going about their lives arrogantly minding their own business, a bigger bomb might be the only answer.

This seems a little difficult to pull off until we consider that the New York Times, CNN, and others have very clearly shown us as well as eager-to-learn terrorists that, among many other tips, it isn’t hard to smuggle a bomb into the country. In particular, cargo that comes through our harbors remains largely unchecked. Just ship 'er in!

So why aren’t there bombs going off here every day? Most believe that our security has been beefed up so that we’re better able to prevent such attacks. Hogwash. There’s little question that the Bush Administration doesn’t want us to be safe from terrorism, because the more attacks there are on American soil, the more people will want to retaliate and kill terrorists. And the more people want to retaliate and kill terrorists, the more they’ll want to keep the Bushies in power. It should be no surprise then that the New York Times, CNN, and others are educating potential terrorists on how to best attack America. After all, they’re nothing more than pro-Bush lapdogs.

I’ll tell you why there aren’t terrorist attacks here every day: Terrorism is largely a myth. Plain and simple. There’s nothing more than a miniscule amount of people who would be willing to kill innocents for the jihadist cause (and not one of them was ever in Iraq). And every one of them would be a decent, peace-loving person were it not for America’s selfish and conceited notion that Arabs are ready for and capable of democracy.

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